Test as Documentation
Feb 23, 2025In this post, we will look at how can testing become the source of documentation.
TypeScript: Part 1, Discriminated Unions
Jan 19, 2025This post contains examples of how we can utilize the concept of discriminated unions in TypeScript.
Lead Software Engineer: Year One
Sep 08, 2024I had the chance to become a Lead Software Engineer in 2023. This post reflects the things that I learned over the past 1 year.
Design Before Code
Jul 21, 2024Designing the process process is as important as implementing the UI design itself.
Making Testing in Frontend Fun
May 26, 2024The nature of frontend works that can be tested in the browser makes writing automated tests to be rather an afterthought. How to make it fun?
Bringing Gaming Concepts to Software Engineering
Mar 30, 2024Let's talk about how some concepts in gaming can be brought to software engineering.
Why Writing is Important?
Mar 15, 2024In this post, we are going to take a look on why writing skill could be a huge added value to us.
Speedrunning TypeScript
Feb 18, 2024Let's do a quick review of TypeScript basics and some bits beyond that you might use often.
TIL: Remix v2 Migration
Feb 01, 2024Today I learned about some of the stuff that I struggled with Remix v1 to v2 migration.
API from Frontend Perspective
Jan 16, 2024Let's revisit the definition of API and how could frontend engineers benefit more from understanding the UX of an API.
Wrapping 2k23
Dec 29, 2023It's another year passing by.
Is Parenting Skill Only for Parents?
Nov 05, 2023I kinda want to debunk the myth that parenting skill is only for parents.
Debugging Astro and Yarn Berry + nodeLinker pnpm
Oct 19, 2023I met some issues when building a site with Astro, Yarn Berry, and nodeLinker pnpm and I'm going to share them in this post.
Thoughts on Contributing to Open Source Projects
Jul 30, 2023In this post, I will share what I gained from my small steps in contributing to open source projects.
Leveling Up as a Frontend Engineer
Apr 30, 2023There are a lot of ways to level up as a frontend engineer and grinding algorithms isn't the only way.
Creating a Context-less Data Store in React
Jan 28, 2023A small tutorial on creating a subscribe-based data store in React.
Echoes of 2022
Dec 29, 2022Year-end post, as usual.
Are you healing?
Oct 28, 2022Prevention, damage control, and revitalization often are mixed up.
Not good enough. What then?
Mar 03, 2022The burning desire to proof yourself perhaps can be a double-edged sword.
Year 2021 in a Nutshell
Dec 30, 2021I am too lazy to write draining reflections like last year, so let's just write random stuff.
How to Publish Your Library to npm Registry
Nov 08, 2021This post covers a step-by-step guide to publish a library to the npm registry, as well as things to consider before doing so.
Burning Out
Oct 21, 2021In this post, I'll be sharing my experiences with burnout. It will be mostly about how did it feel and its comparison with frustration.
Creating Count-Up Timer
Aug 22, 2021In this post, I will be sharing a bit about creating a count-up timer.
Are Arrow Functions Overrated?
Apr 25, 2021I think they are really useful, but sometimes they are just overused in the defense of "it's shorter".
A Visit to a Therapist, Part 4
Feb 23, 2021Despite having visited the same therapist four times in the last year, somehow I was still able to learn new things.
My Top 3 Achievements and Struggles in 2020
Dec 31, 2020I ranked my top 3 achievements and struggles as I reflected on this rollercoaster year.
Why I Don't Do Competitive Gaming Anymore
Nov 14, 2020I was still a competitive gamer back in 2016. Then, I slowly walked away from it.
Marriage and Emotional Affection
Aug 26, 2020I asked myself a question before I got married, "Will emotional affection between husband and wife last for a lifetime?"
JSDoc, a Stairway to TypeScript
Jun 14, 2020If you hate writing JSDoc syntax, you might really love TypeScript.
My Thoughts on Pursuing Higher Study
Apr 25, 2020I finished my Masters in December 2019 and here are my thoughts after the ride.