
I am a frontend engineer who specializes in React and Node.js®. I eat TypeScript for breakfast, although I am still allergic to complex generic types. Below are my primary technical skills:

  • HTML/CSS: SASS, CSS-in-JS, and utility-first CSS libs (e.g. Tailwind)
  • Javascript/TypeScript: 6+ years of React and Node.js® (3+ years TypeScript)
  • Compiled language: ~1 year of Golang
  • Web frameworks: CRA, Next.js, Remix, Astro
  • Documentation tools: Storybook, Docusaurus
  • Modern bundlers: Rollup, Webpack, esbuild, Vite, Parcel
  • Testing tools: Jest/mocha, React Testing Library, Cypress, Playwright, Vitest
  • Git, CI/CD, Unix-like scripting, and a11y

Aside from the things listed above, I also have some knowledge regarding Docker, Kubernetes, Envoy, nginx, SQL, NoSQL, Python, PHP, and Google Analytics. Here are some of the things that I want to learn (or learn further) in 2023:

  • The basics: This mostly revolves around HTML semantics and native built-in JavaScript features.
  • Compiled language: I started learning Golang last year and I’m excited that I have shipped a service to production with that knowledge. Still, I am looking forward to extending the Golang knowledge more.
  • Public speaking: Last year (2022) was pretty quiet year from me, compared to 2021 where I spoke few times in meetups/conferences. This year, I want to get back into that.
  • Mindfulness: In 2012, I lived apart from my parents as I went to college in Bandung. During my journey there, I realized that I was a “fake” at home. I realized that I had a lot of feelings that I buried deep beneath me, making me an incomplete person… which resulted me in sometimes hurting myself (physically) or others (emotionally). I did a lot better now after a lot of therapy sessions and it has been a while since my last panic attack, but I am still going to practice more mindfulness!

If you love the open-source works that I am doing, please consider sponsoring me! That will mean the world to me and keep my motivation going to contribute back to the community. Thanks!